Distracting yourself during your divorce

Sick of crying, feeling angry and upset, or just plain tired during your divorce proceedings? That’s not unusual. Even if the split is an amicable one, you’re parting ways with somebody you once loved and shared good times with. Taking care of ourselves often falls to the side at times like these and that’s actually detrimental to our health.

During a divorce we’re going through a loss, a trauma. And while there’s plenty of support from family and friends it’s good to ‘shake things up a bit’, rather than going to their homes and meet them for coffee every other day because you can’t think of much else to do. Here’s some things you can do to ‘drive yourself to distraction’ in the best way possible.

  • Dust off your hobbies

You stick to your hobbies because you enjoy them. They go on the backburner more often than not because life gets busy. But if there’s ever a time to get back into painting/cooking/pottery, it’s during a divorce. Here’s some places that can help facilitate your passion:

  • Classes and workshops
  • Meetup Hobbies and Socialising
  • Download some podcasts

Podcasts are the new way to catch up with what’s going on in the world. There’s several for every genre; drama, news, socio-cultural and educational. These are some of the top ranked from various sites around the web.

  • You Must Remember This
  • Hey It’s Ok
  • Stuff You Should Know
  • Sincerely, X

Not everyone listens to a podcast idly; they’re  great for making time pass faster at work or on the walking trail. And that brings us to the next point.

  • Get back to the gym

Get those endorphin levels up and build those muscles! It’s true what they say, a strong body equals a strong mind. Hundreds of studies attribute a positive mindset to regular exercise. If you go to the gym already maybe try a different class instead of sticking to your regular routine. You’ll actually ‘shock’ your body when you do something new and who knows? You might actually like it.

  • Rewatch something you love

Everyone is guilty of binging on their favourite television show or some Netflix original series. But if it made you feel good, why not do it again? Make yourself a cup of tea and put on that Simpsons marathon.

  • Learn something new

MOOCs (massive open online courses) are popping up everywhere. They’re a great way to build on your old skills and learn some new ones. Most of them are free, though you can pay extra if you want a certificate. Courses are from genuine universities like RMIT, Harvard, Griffith, Australian National University, and the University of Queensland. Some of the best providers are below.

  • edX | Free online courses from the world’s best universities
  • Alison | Free Online Courses & Online Learning
  • Open2Study: Free Online Courses For Everyone

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