How To Toilet Train Your Puppy

When you welcome a little bundle of furry joy into your house, toilet training isn’t always the first thing on your mind. It’s a whirlwind of excitement, and everything in your house will change in the first few days. Sometimes the daily routine goes out of the window, but it’s crucial that you get settled into your everyday life as soon as you can.

We’ve put together this puppy house training guide that features everything you need to know about how to train your puppy quickly.


How to toilet train your puppy

When to start a puppy’s toilet training?

Wondering how to toilet train your puppy? And when? Well, it can begin as soon as their paws walk through the door. This will make it simpler in the long run, as your dog will know what you’re expecting from them. From the moment the puppies are born, the mother licks them to facilitate expulsion and then cleans them. This ensures that there is never a smell of urine or fecal matter in their ‘nest’ area.

When the puppy grows older, they will usually copy their mother by going out of their “nest” to the bathroom.

If your puppy was orphaned, it could take a little more time for them to grow up without the help of their mother or litter mates.

You must also note that if you have a small breed of puppy, the bladders and the digestive tract would be smaller than the major breeds. This means that they can’t catch their pee and poop as well as the larger puppies.


How to toilet train your puppy

Why is it necessary to house train puppies?

It doesn’t matter if your puppy spends much of its time indoors on your couch or outside  – your puppy needs to be toilet trained.

House training your puppy has the following advantages as an adult dog:

  • You can trust them to enjoy the time inside the house with you.
  • They will be able to visit the homes of your friends and family members.
  • They will learn to remove it in the right locations, rather than just wherever they feel like it.
  • They’re not going to urinate or poop inside your vehicle or traveling boxes.


How to toilet train your puppy

When To Start Toilet Training:


Toilet training should begin as soon as your puppy gets home. Puppies urinate regularly and the effectiveness of house training depends on anticipating their needs-they should be given the opportunity to relieve themselves at least every two hours.

You can generally tell when a puppy ‘wants to go’ because he or she is looking around anxiously, pacing in circles and starting to sniff in the right corners looking for a spot. Follow these tips to try and help train your puppy to control their urges appropriately. 



Whatever the weather, the puppies should be brought outside after they’ve woken up or had something to drink or eat. Once out of the door, say an order like ‘Go Now’ so they know it’s okay to relieve themselves.

Praise them when they quit, but disregard them when they fail. And if you find a puddle inside, don’t tell your dog if you don’t catch him or her in the act, because your pet won’t know why they’re being punished. Never, never ‘rub their nose in it.’


Training With Paper

You may train small breeds of paper and young puppies in newspapers or ‘wee pads.’ Praise them with a lot of gratitude when they use the newspaper and neglect them when they don’t. Be careful not to fall into the trap of celebrating food therapies, so you run the risk of over-feeding.

Puppies go to the bathroom about 12 times a day, and occasionally even more! Over time, transfer the newspapers to the fence, and then to the yard. Take a small piece of soiled paper outside, as the puppy knows its own distinctive smell and needs to confirm it.


Teach Your Puppy To Wait

An alternative approach to paper training is crate or puppy playpen training, where puppies are trained to wait in their own special space until they are taken outside.

The trick is to give them a chance to relieve themselves at least every two hours, particularly after eating , sleeping or playing.


how to toilet train your puppy


Dealing With Indoor Accidents

Don’t get mad if your puppy has an accident. Always clean the floor thoroughly to remove the scent from the spot; otherwise your puppy will continue to go to the bathroom in the same position.


Stick To A Routine

Toilet training is an integral aspect of general puppy training, and the way it is done can have a real effect on your relationship with your puppy.


If you adhere to a strict schedule, your puppy or adult dog can soon learn to be be toilet trained at home. If you’re wondering how to toilet train your puppy, follow the tips below or contact your local vet for more information. 

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