How To Train A New Puppy

How To Train A New Puppy

Training A New Puppy?

It is not easy to take care of a puppy. They nip, they’re going to the toilet in the kitchen, and they’re always barking. Training your puppy will bring some order back to your household and set you up for a great relationship with your new dog.

However-the puppies will start very basic training as soon as they come home, usually about 8 weeks old. Always keep the training sessions short and always finish on a positive note.

If your puppy has a hard time understanding a new trait, finish the session by reviewing something he already knows and giving him a lot of praise and reward for his performance. If your puppy gets bored or irritated, learning can eventually be counter-productive.

To get on the right track with your puppy, he’s going to have to know what you’re expecting from him. This will help him/her feel more confident in his ability to achieve the goals set for him to move forward.

The training foundation should be focused on positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is the method of praising a dog for the actions you want.

The idea is not to bribe behavior, but to train it with something that your dog values. Evitate punishment, such as leash corrections or shouting. Punishment can cause a dog to become confused and uncertain about what is being asked of him.

These top tips will help you and your new fur baby get on the right track.

How To Train A New Puppy

Choose The Right Name

Part of the joy of taking a new puppy or dog home is choosing the right name for them. But did you know that certain names are better for training? 

It helps to consider a short name that ends with a strong consonant that they can still hear clearly. A strong ending, like the “Jackie” “Ginger” and “Lucky” names, quickly captures their attention particularly when you put the focus at the end.

Whatever their name, be sure to equate it with fun, enjoyable experiences as much as possible, rather than negative ones. Ideally, your dog should think of their name in the same way as they think of other fun things like walking or eating dinner.


How to train a new puppy

How To Train A New Puppy

Set Boundaries Immediately

Before your new furry friend comes home, decide what they can and cannot do. Are they allowed on the bed or on the furniture?

Are the areas of the house out of bounds? Can they have a chair of their own at your dining table? If the rules are set early, you can prevent confusion. It is crucial to establish boundaries with your new puppy right from the start so that there is no confusion regarding what they are allowed to do and what is off-limits. 

How To Train A New Puppy

Set Up A Private Space To Them

Dogs, like humans, need their own space. As soon as possible, give your pup a private sleeping spot, such as a crate.

Your dog can benefit from brief periods left alone in the comfort and protection of its den; it can also be a beneficial home training tool. Be sure to praise your dog or puppy if they’re still happy in their den.


How To Train A New Puppy


How To Train A New Puppy

Maintain A Schedule

It helps keep your puppy on a regular routine that includes mealtimes, potty breaks, playtime and craters. Dogs like predictability, so sticking to a routine that includes everything from food to play sessions will help your puppy anticipate what’s going to happen next.

Your puppy’s daily routine can include snack trips outside about 10–15 minutes after meals, snack trips after play sessions (and for young pups, during play sessions), meeting new friends, waking up from the nap, and before and after snorkeling.


How To Train A New Puppy

How To Train A New Puppy

Teach The Sit Command Right Away

Teaching a puppy to sit down or lie down may seem like a fun trick, but it’s actually a very useful skill.

Use the “sit” command to prevent your puppy from jumping on guests, being polite at mealtimes, and as a gateway to teach other useful skills such as “stay” and “come.” Once your cute puppy grows into a 90-pound dog, you’ll be happy you’ve got this command down.



If you’ve recently introduced a new puppy to your home, remember that it is imperative to ensure that your puppy is vaccinated and dewormed. Get in touch with us for all your veterinary needs.

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