
Three Great Pet Blogs You Need To Read

We’re not the only pet blog out there. Of course, we may be the only vet’s who upkeep a blog. But there are some seriously entertaining and informative blogs suited for all types of animal lovers.

Not only are pet blogs great and relevant to our interests. But the wider online pet community are one of the most supportive interest groups of our times! Yes, thats a big call but there’s something about taking care of the life of another being that promotes altruism and togetherness like no other.

Keep The Tail Wagging

Regular blog posting is important. It shows that the blogger is actually passionate about their content and that no matter what day it is, there will always be content for you to indulge in.

Keep The Tail Wagging doesn’t just have a quirky name, but they are one of the most consistent pet blogs out there. Worth following them on Facebook just so you don’t miss out on any of their daily posts.

Paws and Effect

Future crazy cat ladies, this is where you start your careers! You’re not a cat lover unless you subscribe to this wonderfully fun blog.

What we like the most of Paws and Effect is the balance of serious and entertaining articles. As you know, cats can sometimes be hard to decipher. Well have no fear because Paws and Effect are now your one-stop-cat-blog!

My Brown Newfies

We love the photos on this blog. Apparently they are taken by one of the founders’ mothers, who we believe is also a veterinary assistant. Talk about multi-talented!

Overall, My Brown Newfies is a fun-loving blog where the contributors have an excellent command of the english language where they’re able to cover topics such as pet health, and medicine, yet publish it in a really fun way, that attracts readers of all ages.

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