Hours and Prices

We are committed to providing exceptional veterinary care in the comfort of your home, at no additional cost to you! As such, our prices are competitive with those of a regular veterinary clinic. 

House Call Consult Standard $99.70

Clinic Consult Standard $99.70

House Call After Hours Consult $235

Get in touch to book a house call or clinic appointment

House Call Choice Consult $93.70

Our standard house calls are booked in time ranges according to which region of Brisbane you live in. Sometimes however, you may want to book a consult at a time when we weren’t planning to be in your area – that’s ok! Our House Call Choice Consults are available between 8am-6pm and allow you to choose a consult time that suits you, regardless of where you live.

Extended Consult $140.30

Our standard consults allow our vets and nurses up to 30mins with you and your pet. Sometimes however, you may want us to spend a little longer with you. If you have a nervous/shy pet or a pet with multiple health issues, consider requesting an Extended Consult which allows our vet up to 45mins with you instead.